ATEX valves

Vesta Automation gives all conditions about group and categories of it's ATEX products, furthermore advises users to an accurate classification of the zones into the specific case of use in which a potentially explosive atmosphere could be present. For a right and safety classification of the zone's it's a good rule to follow the below European standard:

  • EN 60079-10 - Classification of hazardous areas
  • EN 50281-3   - Classification of areas where combustible dusts are or may be present

The 94/9/EC directive - ATEX (atmosphere explosive)

Since the 1st July 2003 the 94/9/EC Directive is the only certification for devices used in certain explosive zones. Aim of the directive is to achieve a uniform level of safety and removing barriers to trade. The new requirements of the 94/9/EC have extended the safety level to the mechanical devices, taking in consideration the presence of dust in potentially explosive atmosphere. The marking of the device has become necessary in order to certificate the products into the classifying zones. Sparks, arcs, hot surfaces, adiabatic compression, are some of the sources of ignition considered for VESTA ATEX production. 

Group II

These equipments are used in areas where probability an explosive atmosphere (consisting of mixture of air and gases, vapours or mixture of dust and air) will occur.


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